Let’s chat about the Root Chakra
The Chakras are part of our subtle anatomy. The chakras are intelligent energetic centers that reside along the central axis of our spine. When these energetic centers are open and aligned they help us live a well balanced life. The Root Chakra is the foundation of the system. It’s located at the base of the spine. It relates to our material needs, our financial success ,job, home, food and security. This chakra also relates to our survival and our ability to focus, project, and manifest our earthly needs.
Sanskrit Name: Muladhara
Element: Earth
Color: Red
Mantra: Lam
Body association: Feet, Legs, Hips, Pelvic Floor, Immune System, Large Intestine, Rectum.
When this chakra is balanced, we will feel grounded, safe, and secure. It provides vitality for the physical body. It gives a sense of well-being. We are centered and we value ourselves.
When it is out of balance the opposite of the above happens. It can lead to aggression, creates a lack of self confidence, depression, and even lack of self worth. It can also manifest as an addictive behavior, distrust, workaholism and avoidance of intimacy.
So, how can we work on balancing our Muladhara Chakra?
Wear the color Red. Chant the seed mantra- Lam, or listen to grounding music. Here is my Spotify playlist for ya =) https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1qYWd0pzqUoV17UyXRCWv3?si=cPkrEK_ZTTyQRFsWeJH48Q
You can go for a walk in nature, work on your garden and get your hands in that dirt, plant your favorite flower. Meditation on feeling the earth below you.
You can also get on your mat and do poses that ground you. Here are 10 for you to practice. The poses are:
- Mountain Pose
- Sukasana
- Cresent Lunge
- Warrior 2
- Butterfly pose
- Deer Pose
- Low Lunge
- Standing Forward fold
- Yogi Squat
- Childs pose