Health and Wellbeing
In these times when there’s so much concern and uncertainty about our health, we need to also be mindful of our mental wellbeing. Having a healthy state of mind is optimal for your physical health. Did you know that according to the Mental Health America, ( www.mhanational.org ) that
the number of people looking for help for anxiety and depression skyrocketed this year and that the number of people screening with moderate to severe symptoms of depression and anxiety has continued to increase in 2020. The saddest part of all this is the fact that it’s the young
people that are the ones that are struggling the worst.
When one practices mindful yoga consistently, studies have shown that our levels of stress and anxiety reduces. The Asanas (physical postures) help keep your body stay in good shape, while Mindfulness and Meditation keep our minds at ease. Whatever form of yoga you take in your life, whether it be Asana based, breathing, mediation, mindfulness..Yoga can universally help everybody. It may not be ALL the help you need, but it can be a great place to start your healing progress.